Professional Development

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Professional Development

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How Participating in International Teachers’ Olympiad Can Benefit Educators
September 6, 2023
8 min read

Wondering how you can benefit from International Teachers’ Olympiad? Read the blog to know what’s in store for you.

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International Teachers’ Olympiad Winners: Inspiring Stories
August 31, 2023
12 min read

Explore the stories of International Teachers’ Olympiad winners & their transformative journey. Register now ITO 2023 & get respect, recognition & rewards!

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Reflective Teaching: Master the Art of Self-Reflection
August 24, 2023
25 min read

Discover the benefits and top methods of reflective teaching and enhance your teaching skills with reflective practices.

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How to use Reflective Teaching in Classroom?
December 1, 2022

How to use Reflective Teaching in Classroom?

In this masterclass, learn:

  • Understand reflection in teaching
  • Learn different models and tools to become a Reflective Teacher
  • Integrate Reflective Teaching in lesson planning to transform classroom experiences
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Why is Feedback Integral for Student Learning?
November 16, 2022

Why is Feedback Integral for Student Learning?

In this masterclass, learn:

  • Understand the practice of Feedback in Teaching and learning
  • Explore Different feedback models and perspectives
  • How to integrate effective feedback into your classroom
  • Enhance student learning with effective Feedback techniques
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